• This will unstage all files you might have staged with git add:
  • git reset
  • This will revert all local uncommitted changes (should be executed in repo root):You can also revert uncommitted changes only to particular file or directory:Yet another way to revert all uncommitted changes (longer to type, but works from any subdirectory):
  • git reset --hard HEAD
  • git checkout [some_dir|file.txt]
  • git checkout .
  • This will remove all local untracked files, so only git tracked files remain:WARNING: -x will also remove all ignored files, including ones specified by .gitignore! You may want to use -n for preview of files to be deleted.
  • git clean -fdx

To sum it up: executing commands below is basically equivalent to fresh git clone from original source (but it does not re-download anything, so is much faster):

git reset
git checkout .
git clean -fdx

Typical usage for this would be in build scripts, when you must make sure that your tree is absolutely clean - does not have any modifications or locally created object files or build artefacts, and you want to make it work very fast and to not re-clone whole repository every single time.





git undo all uncommitted or unsaved changes

I'm trying to undo all changes since my last commit. I tried git reset --hard and git reset --hard HEAD after viewing this post. I responds with head is now at 18c3773... but when I look at my local







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