
/// The ad request is invalid. The localizedFailureReason error description will have more
/// details. Typically this is because the ad did not have the ad unit ID or root view
/// controller set.
InvalidRequest = 0,

/// The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned.
NoFill = 1,

/// There was an error loading data from the network.
NetworkError = 2,

/// The ad server experienced a failure processing the request.
ServerError = 3,

/// The current device's OS is below the minimum required version.
OSVersionTooLow = 4,

/// The request was unable to be loaded before being timed out.
Timeout = 5,

/// The mediation response was invalid.
MediationDataError = 7,

/// Error finding or creating a mediation ad network adapter.
MediationAdapterError = 8,

/// Attempting to pass an invalid ad size to an adapter.
MediationInvalidAdSize = 10,

/// Internal error.
InternalError = 11,

/// Invalid argument error.
InvalidArgument = 12,

/// Received invalid response.
ReceivedInvalidResponse = 13,

/// A mediation ad network adapter received an ad request, but did not fill. The adapter's error
/// is included as an underlyingError.
MediationNoFill = 9,

/// Will not send request because the ad object has already been used.
AdAlreadyUsed = 19,

/// Will not send request because the application identifier is missing.
ApplicationIdentifierMissing = 20,


/// Ad isn't ready to be shown.
AdNotReady = 15,

/// Ad is too large for the scene.
AdTooLarge = 16,

/// Internal error.
Internal = 17,

/// Ad has already been used.
AdAlreadyUsed = 18,

/// Attempted to present ad from a non-main thread.
NotMainThread = 21,

/// A mediation ad network adapter failed to present the ad. The adapter's error is included as an
/// underlyingError.
Mediation = 22,



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